A Trick Photography Book Review

Hello there.

I hope your having a nice day yourself. By arriving here in my blog site I must assume that you are looking for some information or a trick photography book review about the Trick Photography and Special Effects e-book by Evan Sharboneau.

First of all, let me just thank you for checking out my blog site Trick Photography Book for the review of the said e-book. You can exactly be anybody to read this review, whether you have been doing trick photo or plain photography for a long while or you had just recently find yourself to be inclined in this kind of interest, I am pretty sure that you can gain important insights on how substantial and helpful the e-book will be in your pursuit for this kind of hobby/profession. This isn’t your typical Learn Photography Book out there.

It will basically show and teach the readers special photographic techniques and methods, including the utilization of Photoshop, to come up with crazy and funny images. You might have come across yourself with it; a levitating ballerina, streaks of light that forms names or symbols, heads coming out from cauldrons, just to name a few of these photography special effects.

In the Trick Photography and Special Effect e-book, you will be taken in a three-module program, with each module consist of 8-10 parts, each parts also contain 10-15 specific techniques and methods on doing trick photography and photo-manipulation using trick photography software. Plus! loads of mind-blowing sample images for each techniques to further illustrate the outcome of its application. To give you some teaser, here is one of the amazing works of Evan and followed with it the corresponding technique used to achieve the effect.

This is one of the trick photography ideas called the Levitation Photography. However, with the model so high up in the air and seems like falling down, this photo trick could be rightfully dubbed as falling photography. The photographer, who is also the model here, had basically needed two different shots with the same exact frame to achieve this effect. It was during night time that the shots were taken and it is necessary to take it with the camera mounted on a tripod. This is the main trick behind that falling image. The first shot was a person sitting on the stool and the next with only the road in it. After which the two images are to be mounted into Photoshop to be edited and merged. Here are the two behind-the-scene shots.

And more..Although the e-book is comprehensive enough with its intention of teaching its readers amazing tricks on photography the manner however was too direct; some methods and techniques lacks a step-by-step detailed instruction and it for a person who doesn’t do enough Photoshoping or use any trick photography software, it will be too hard for him to apply Evan’s lessons on employing such tools for a specific technique. However, the author had somehow provided a follow-through on using the application.

The Catch with the Trick Photography and Special Effects e-book

First is, the e-book will really awaken and stir up the artistic side of you. With the techniques and unique images at present in the material, you couldn’t wait to delve in and immediately apply what the e-book has to tell so. It should be noted that all the tricks and ideas stated in the e-book have been tested and proven by the author himself. The techniques are described accordingly with the right manner that you can readily understand and provided with corresponding examples for you to refer with.

Moreover, with almost over a hundred specific methods being cited in the Trick Photography and Special Effects e-book, the sky is the limit for what you can really produce. It is like a reference manual whenever you want to know the process on how a certain trick was made or just simply that you want to get more inspiration on your creative process for this kind hobby/profession.

The Wrap

Sometimes, what we already know is not enough. I myself had this inclination to photography and image development, but my search for theories and fundamental knowledge on photography and special effects had brought me this book and I was able to find out that as long as man never ceases to be more creative, there will still be more fresher and more radical ideas that when once found and shared will surely suffice everyone’s hunger for art and personal expression. This is to note that with Evan Sharboneau’s Trick Photography and Special Effects e-book, you will be able to learn, apply and experience such wonderful enjoyment that you could imagine of. With the right tools, skill, creativity and this “ultimate guide” you’ll surely reach far whether you are a professional or enthusiast in the field. Have fun and enjoy.